Guaranteed Standard Issue (GSI)
IDU offers customized Guaranteed Standard Issue (GSI) plans for employer groups through our BenefitPlus™
product, providing greater levels of protection for your clients. Plan designs are tailored to fit the organization's needs and group profile.
Flexible benefits at limits far above standard insurance carriers in monthly, lump sum, or combination options are available, and enrollment and communication is flexible, easy, and secure using IDU's Insight Platform.
BenefitPlus™ Demo Video
Contact us to schedule a demo or to get more information.
Overview of GSI Capabilities
Product Highlights
Customizable plan design based on need and risk profile
Own Occupation definition of disability
Coverage is fully portable
Individual Consideration for employees of a US company working outside of the US.
Voluntary plans, 25+ eligible lives
Mandatory plans, 3+ eligible lives
GSI Requirements
Group Census Data
Streamlined Application
Cause Only Underwriting
Individual Applications can be waived for Employer Paid programs
Insured working on full time basis
GSI Target Markets
Law Firms
Accounting Firms
Engineering Firms
Product Usages
Personal Income
Key Person
Other GSI Usages:
Buy Sell
Business Overhead Expense
Loan Indemnification
Accidental Death (AD/ADD)
Key Features
Policy Terms up to 5 years
Voluntary or Mandatory
Participation Plans
Creative Benefits Structures
Lump Sum
Combo: Monthly + Lump Sum
Own Occupation Definition of Disability
Elimination Periods: 90, 180 & 365 days
Monthly Benefit Periods: 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 & 120 months
Coverage Fully Portable
Standard Age Caps: 65, 67 & 70
Covered forms of compensation
K-1 Income
Restricted Stock Awards
Flexible Premium Payment Options
Applications Pre-filled based on census data
Minimum of 3 Lives
Transplant Benefit & Recovery Benefit
Waiver of Premium
Available Riders
GSI Case Study